1. Read the readme file. 2. Agree with the terms of use. 3. READ THIS FILE. 4. Setup a dir on your server for the calendar app. 5. Setup the datasource. (Called CalLite in the applicaiton.cfm) All you have to do is change the datasource variable in the application.cfm file ******If you have never worked with a application.cfm file**** READ your cf documentation! The application frame work allows for alot of cool stuff (to put it simply) This allows you to have a application.cfm file in each dir of your server if you want, but you only need one. Any variables set in this file will be available to all pages under it. If you have another dir under this dir and you have another applicaiton.cfm file it will superscede the other one unless you include the other application.cfm file. This allows you to pass user info without cookies and without passing the vars in the form or the url. YOU MUST ENABLE Session and Application Variables IN THE CF SERVER TO USE THIS. IT MAY ALREADY BE ENABLED. **IF YOU CANT GET THIS WORKING AND HAVE TROUBLE SHOOTED APPLICAITON SETUP WITH YOUR DOCUMENTATION AND YOUR HOST, THEN CONTACT ME.** 6. Modify the application file to Include other application files on your site. Point to the correct datasource. ********************************************************************************** YOU MUST CHANGE THESE VARIABLES FOR IT TO WORK: ********************************************************************************** 7. Set the basePath variable to your base path of the calendar app. This is where you put the maincal.cfm page. In this dir you should have a images dir. The app will add /images when ever images are dealt with so this base path must be set correctly. 8. If needed change the colors to fit with your site. 9. YOU MAY WANT TO MOVE THE LOGIN LINK AND CHANGE THE PASSWORD!!!!! 10. PLEASE FORWARD ANY ERRORS FROM THE INITIAL FILES TO FSUGRAD@HOTMAIL.COM OR info@bensonitsolutions.com THANKS!